We are Dialog Solutions, Part of Clarivate. Our goal is to simplify the research process fro anyone, in any organization. We do this through our technology and services, combined with the access, we provide to the world's best peer-reviewed content.
Our origins are back before the Internet, and even before the dawn of personal computing. Dialog, our core search product, was launched in 1966 and is now part of our suite of research tools that includes Drug Safety Triager, and Dialog Alerts Manager.
Our medical literature monitoring solution offers a modular, end-to-end, approach to literature monitoring for pharmacovigilance. It gives any organization tasked with drug safety reporting a streamlined, efficient and compliant approach to the entire literature review process.
We provide our customers with more than just a software; we help them improve the way they do their research. Combined with our innovative approach to software development, we are a secure and stable partner for any organization that uses research to make better business decisions.
Dialog Solutions, Part of Clarivate.

Contact email: sales@dialog.com
United States and Canada: +1 800 334 2564
Rest of World: +44 800 029 3289